Duplicating an existing user

    You can create one or more new users from an existing user. The duplicates have the same attributes, comments, group memberships, and mail and Apple Remote Access settings, but do not have passwords or mail settings. Individual access privileges to share points are not transferred to the duplicates, but group access privileges are.

    To create one or more new users by duplicating an existing user:
    1 Open Mac OS Server Admin and log on to the server you want to configure.
    2 Press the Users & Groups button and choose Show Users & Groups List.
    3 Select the name of the user you are duplicating, then click the Duplicate User button.
    4 In the "Duplicate user info from" section, select the information you want preserved when you create a new user.
    5 Type a name, password, and Internet alias for the new user.
    6 Click the Add button.
    7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each new user you want to add.
    8 Click the Create button.

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